El rey estaba ya desahuciado de los médicos, y llamando a su hijo primogénito, que era un hermoso joven, le dijo:
-Yo me voy a morir, pero antes quiero decirte algunas cosas: Apenas cierre yo el ojo te encasquetarás la corona; pero no te bastará esto para ser feliz. Es necesario que te cases, que formes un hogar. Lo que te encargo mucho es que te acuerdes de aquel refrán que dice: “Antes que te cases, mira bien lo que haces”. Esto quiere decir que antes de casarte debes estudiar la clase de mujer que te conviene.
-¿Pues qué clase de mujer quiere usted que busque? -preguntó el príncipe a su padre.
-La más pobre y más rica.
-No has entendido? Pues estudia bien mis palabras.
Dos días después murió el rey, y su hijo se sentó en el trono.
El nuevo rey se puso a pensar a ver si entendía lo que su padre había querido decirle al aconsejarle que buscase la mujer más pobre y más rica, pero, por más que pensó, no pudo entenderlo.
"Si será", pensaba, "que debo buscar una mujer que, a la par que sea pobre de bienes de fortuna, sea rica en hermosura? En fin, vamos de pueblo en pueblo a ver si la casualidad me da la solución de las misteriosas palabras de mi señor padres."
El Rey en Busca de Novia (lines 21-3 & 4-16) (English)
The king was terminally ill and doctors, and calling his eldest son, who was a handsome young man, he said:
"I'm going to die, but before I tell you some things: Just close your eye I pull on the crown, but this is not enough to be happy. We need to get married, you form a home. What can I ask a lot is that you remember the proverb that says: "Before you marry, you do look well." This means that before you get married you should study the kind of woman for you.
- For what kind of woman you want to search? Asked the prince to his father.
"The poorest and richest.
"Do not you understand? Well considering my words.Two days later the king died, and his son sat on the throne.The new king began to think to see if his father knew what he meant to advise women to seek poorer and richer, but, though he thought he could not understand.
"If you will," he thought, "I must find a woman who, at the same time is poor fortune, is rich in beauty? In short, we go from town to town to see if by chance it gives me the solution ofmysterious words of my father. "
"I'm going to die, but before I tell you some things: Just close your eye I pull on the crown, but this is not enough to be happy. We need to get married, you form a home. What can I ask a lot is that you remember the proverb that says: "Before you marry, you do look well." This means that before you get married you should study the kind of woman for you.
- For what kind of woman you want to search? Asked the prince to his father.
"The poorest and richest.
"Do not you understand? Well considering my words.Two days later the king died, and his son sat on the throne.The new king began to think to see if his father knew what he meant to advise women to seek poorer and richer, but, though he thought he could not understand.
"If you will," he thought, "I must find a woman who, at the same time is poor fortune, is rich in beauty? In short, we go from town to town to see if by chance it gives me the solution ofmysterious words of my father. "
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