2. Qué llevaban?
3. A. Estaban limpios? Cómo lo sabes?
B. Cómo estaban vestidos?
4. Qué sospechaban los campesinos?
5. Cómo se llamaban los dos caballeros?
6. Adónde iban los dos?
7. Qué había pasado a su señor y jefe?
8. Qué palabras usa la autora para expresar el coraje y el esfuerzo que los dos hermanos habían mostrado en la guerra? 9. Cómo se sentían los dos hermanos después de haber participado en la guerra?
10. Cómo sabemos que los dos hermanos no querían divulgar como se sentían?
11. Cómo describe el autor el habla de los hombres japoneses? Sabes por qué la describe así?
12. Dónde había occurrido la guerra?
13. En tú opinión, por qué querían llegar lo más pronto posible a su ciudad natal?
14. Cuando se detenían, qué hacían?
15. Qué pasó una noche?
16. Cómo se llamaba el hermano menor?
17. Qué quería hacer el hermano más joven?
18. Qué dijo Junchiro sobre la ventaja de continuar en marcha?
19. A. Quién es Koichi, y cuál fué su opinión sobre la sugerencia de Junchiro?
B. Qué sugirió Koichi que hicieran?
20. A: Cómo reaccionó al oír la sugerencia de su hermano? B: Por qué reaccionó Junchiro así?
C: De qué acusó a su hermano y cómo lo expresó?
21. Cómo reaccionó Koichi al oór los insultos de su hermano? Los tomó en serio? Por qué?
22. Por qué decidió Junchiro continuar en marcha?
23. Cómo entró Junchiro en el bosque?
24. Cómo sabemos que Koichi no entró en el bosque con su hermano?
1. Who would ride a horse?
2. What to bring?
3. A. They were clean? How do you know?
B. How were they dressed?
4. They suspected the peasants?
5. How were the names of two gentlemen?
6. Where were the two?
7. What had happened to his master and chief?
8. What does the author use words to express the courage and the effort that the two brothers had shown in war?
9. How the brothers felt after participating in war?
10. I know that the two brothers did not want to disclose how they felt?
11. How the author describes the speech of Japanese men? You know why describe it?
12. Where had TOOK war?
13. In your opinion, why they wanted to go as soon as possible to your home town?
14. When they stopped, what they did?
15. What happened overnight?
16. What was the name the younger brother?
17. What would make the younger brother?
18. What Junchiro said about the advantage of continuing in motion?
19. A. Who is Koichi, and what was your opinion on the suggestion Junchiro?
B. Suggested Koichi What to do?
20. A: I reacted upon hearing the suggestion of his brother?
B: Why Junchiro reacted like that?
C: In which he accused his brother and how he expressed?
21. Koichi oor you react to the insults of his brother? He took them seriously? Why?
22. Why Junchiro decided to continue running?
23. How did Junchiro in the woods?
24. How do we know Koichi did not enter the woods with his brother?
2. What to bring?
3. A. They were clean? How do you know?
B. How were they dressed?
4. They suspected the peasants?
5. How were the names of two gentlemen?
6. Where were the two?
7. What had happened to his master and chief?
8. What does the author use words to express the courage and the effort that the two brothers had shown in war?
9. How the brothers felt after participating in war?
10. I know that the two brothers did not want to disclose how they felt?
11. How the author describes the speech of Japanese men? You know why describe it?
12. Where had TOOK war?
13. In your opinion, why they wanted to go as soon as possible to your home town?
14. When they stopped, what they did?
15. What happened overnight?
16. What was the name the younger brother?
17. What would make the younger brother?
18. What Junchiro said about the advantage of continuing in motion?
19. A. Who is Koichi, and what was your opinion on the suggestion Junchiro?
B. Suggested Koichi What to do?
20. A: I reacted upon hearing the suggestion of his brother?
B: Why Junchiro reacted like that?
C: In which he accused his brother and how he expressed?
21. Koichi oor you react to the insults of his brother? He took them seriously? Why?
22. Why Junchiro decided to continue running?
23. How did Junchiro in the woods?
24. How do we know Koichi did not enter the woods with his brother?
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