Posada de las Tres Cuerdas (pg 133- column 2)
De pronto Junchiro notó que la joven no había pronunciado ni una sola palabra desde que entró en la habitación, ni siquiera un saludo. Probablemente sería sordomuda. Y le agradeció por señas el segundo tazón de vino que ella le alcanzaba ahora y que, servido por sus manos, parecía tener un sabor todavía más delicioso.
Sin embargo, cuando quiso ofrecerle un tazón a ella, la muchacha no lo aceptó. En cambio tomó su instrumento y comenzó a tocar. Una melodía como Junchiro nunca antes había escuchado llenó la habitación. Por momentos era dulce y melodiosa, por momentos era violenta parecía asaltarlo casi como un dolor, desde todas partes, atrapándolo en sus notas.
Mientras tocaba, la muchacha no le quitaba de encima esos ojos que parecían despedir rayos. Junchiro quiso levantarse para acercarse más a ella, pero las piernas y los brazos no le obedecían. Tampoco él podía separar su mirada de la de ella y pronto fue como si no hubiera nada más en el mindo que esas pupilas negras y enormes que lo quemaban por dentro y esa música que lo encadenaba.
Junchiro había olvidado todo lo que lo rodeaba. Había olvidado a su hermano Koichi y las tristezas de la guerra y también a sus padres y a su ciudad. Recostado contra una de las columnas que sostenían el techo de la casa, bebía con la mirada la belleza de la muchacha, mientras la extraña música se apoderaba del aire y del espacio.
She knelt gracefully bowing Junchiro. The warrior wanted to apologize for having entered so uninvited. But she would not let him talk. With a wonderful smile, offered him another cup of sake.
Junchiro suddenly noticed that she had not said a word since he entered the room or even a greeting. It would probably be deaf. And thanked him sign the second bowl of wine that she now reached and served by their hands, seemed to taste even more delicious.
However, when he wanted to offer a bowl to her, the girl did not accept it. Instead he took his instrument and began playing. A melody never heard before Junchiro filled the room. At times it was sweet and melodious at times was violent storm it seemed almost like a pain, from all over, trapping him in his notes.
While playing, the girl did not take his eyes off these rays that appeared to dismiss. Junchiro wanted to get up to get closer to it, but the legs and arms would not obey him. Nor could he remove his gaze from her and soon it was as if there were nothing else in the Mind that these huge black eyes and it burned inside and the music that he chained.
Junchiro had forgotten all about him. He had forgotten his brother Koichi and sorrows of war and also their parents and their city. Leaning against one of the columns supporting the roof of the house, drank with his eyes the beauty of the girl, while the strange music came over the air and space.
Junchiro suddenly noticed that she had not said a word since he entered the room or even a greeting. It would probably be deaf. And thanked him sign the second bowl of wine that she now reached and served by their hands, seemed to taste even more delicious.
However, when he wanted to offer a bowl to her, the girl did not accept it. Instead he took his instrument and began playing. A melody never heard before Junchiro filled the room. At times it was sweet and melodious at times was violent storm it seemed almost like a pain, from all over, trapping him in his notes.
While playing, the girl did not take his eyes off these rays that appeared to dismiss. Junchiro wanted to get up to get closer to it, but the legs and arms would not obey him. Nor could he remove his gaze from her and soon it was as if there were nothing else in the Mind that these huge black eyes and it burned inside and the music that he chained.
Junchiro had forgotten all about him. He had forgotten his brother Koichi and sorrows of war and also their parents and their city. Leaning against one of the columns supporting the roof of the house, drank with his eyes the beauty of the girl, while the strange music came over the air and space.
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