Cada vez que la joven tocaba la cuerda del medio del shamizen una nota más alta y más vibrante que las demás resonaba en el cuarto. Y Junchiro sentía que also invisible, frío y pegajoso, se enroscaba alrededor de su cuello o su cara. Con esfuerzo consiguió llevarse la mano al cuello y la impresión desapareció, como si con su gesto hubiese roto cuerda invisible.
La jovencita pareció sentirse molesta por su movimiento. Pero apenas por un instante frunció la cejas. Su maravillosa sonrisa volvió inmediatamente y siguió tocando el shamizen. La cuerda del medio vibrada cada vez más fuerte y más seguido y Junchiro se sentía atrapado por esa cosa invisible que lo aprisionaba.
A pesar del sueño y el malestar que le había provocaba el vino de arroz, el joven samurai comprendió, aterrado, que había caído en una trampa. Reuniendo todas sus fuerzas, consiguió sacar su katana de la vaina. Cuando la jovencita vio el sable desenvainado, ya no intentó disimular su enojo. Furiosa y descontrolada, tocó con tanta fuerza la cuerda del medio que se rompió. Alargándose, la cuerda voló a enroscarse sobre el cuerpo de Junchiro. Era demasiado tarde para intentar nada: estaba atrapado, atado a la columna. Sin embargo, a pesar de tener el brazo casi inmovilizado, logró arrojar el sable, que se clavó profundamente en la caja negra del instrumento musical. La furia de la muchachita desapareció de golpe. Su cara blanca y fina pareció enflaquecer de pronto y tomó una expresión triste, dolorosa. Se levantó, alzó su instrumento del suelo, y volvió a subir las escaleras silenciosamente, con cierta dificultad.
Un silencio pesado envolvía la casa. Por la ventana entraba el frío de la noche. La llama de la lámpara flameó y finalmente se apagó. El prisionero quedó solo en la más negra oscuridad. El agotamiento fue más fuerte que el terror y Junchiro, en su incómoda posición, se quedó dormido.
Every time the young lady played the shamizen rope through a higher grade and more vibrant than the others echoed around the room. And also Junchiro felt invisible, cold and clammy, coiled around his neck or face. With effort got put his hand to his neck and printing disappeared, as if his action had broken invisible rope.
The girl seemed to be upset by his movement. But just for a moment, furrowed his eyebrows.His wonderful smile turned immediately and went on playing the shamizen. The rope of the medium vibrate louder and more often and Junchiro felt trapped by the invisible thing that bound him.
Although sleep and discomfort he had caused the rice wine, the young samurai saw, terrified, which had fallen into a trap. Gathering all his strength, got out his katana from its sheath.
When the girl saw the saber, and not try to mask his anger. Angry and uncontrolled, he played with such force that the middle rope broke. Stretching, curling the rope flew over the body of Junchiro. It was too late to try anything: he was caught, tied to a column. However, despite having almost immobilized arm, managed to throw the sword that pierced deep into the black box of musical instrument.
The fury of the girl suddenly disappeared. His thin white face suddenly seemed to grow thin and took a sad, painful. He stood up, raised his instrument from the ground, and climbed the stairs quietly, with some difficulty.
A heavy silence enveloped the house. Through the window came the cold night. The flame of the lamp and finally flew off. The prisoner was alone in the deepest darkness. The depletion was stronger than terror and Junchiro in his uncomfortable position, he fell asleep.
The girl seemed to be upset by his movement. But just for a moment, furrowed his eyebrows.His wonderful smile turned immediately and went on playing the shamizen. The rope of the medium vibrate louder and more often and Junchiro felt trapped by the invisible thing that bound him.
Although sleep and discomfort he had caused the rice wine, the young samurai saw, terrified, which had fallen into a trap. Gathering all his strength, got out his katana from its sheath.
When the girl saw the saber, and not try to mask his anger. Angry and uncontrolled, he played with such force that the middle rope broke. Stretching, curling the rope flew over the body of Junchiro. It was too late to try anything: he was caught, tied to a column. However, despite having almost immobilized arm, managed to throw the sword that pierced deep into the black box of musical instrument.
The fury of the girl suddenly disappeared. His thin white face suddenly seemed to grow thin and took a sad, painful. He stood up, raised his instrument from the ground, and climbed the stairs quietly, with some difficulty.
A heavy silence enveloped the house. Through the window came the cold night. The flame of the lamp and finally flew off. The prisoner was alone in the deepest darkness. The depletion was stronger than terror and Junchiro in his uncomfortable position, he fell asleep.
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